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The school flag combines three colors: blue, green, red.














Blue is the color of traditions, eternity, the ideal of unity and harmony.
Green - the color symbolizes youth, hope and fun.
Red - the color symbolizes activity, purposefulness, perseverance.


The zodiac sign of the school is Leo.


Leos are characterized by strong, strong-willed qualities and natural abilities to achieve their goals. They are very open and frank with people, trusting, absolutely reliable. A pronounced sense of self-worth. This quality gives them the strength to take on extremely difficult tasks and cope with them. They are perfectionists and do everything according to the system. Belief in one's strengths and possibilities is limitless. Lions are realists and idealists at the same time. Absolutely loyal. They fight if they have to, but it should be fair game. A lion has significant management skills.

School anthem (song by O. Naidyuk, music by O. A. Morozov)

Treasury of wisdom and knowledge, 
The soul is an inexhaustible well, 
You will bring the wounds to you in the light 
To drink resin from your springs.

We sing the hymn of the glorious gymnasium 
And the knowledge that forces give us. 
You taught us to believe in ourselves 
Paving your way to the future,

Every year, many schoolchildren 
All your thresholds are overcome. 
You nurture them like sons, 
You give a ticket to the road.

Years will pass, all hopes will come true, 
The last bell will not separate us. 
Gymnasium will open the door to our lives again 
And he will say goodbye: "Good time!".


Symbolism of the Slobodoromaniv Lyceum.

Coats of arms of the school.

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